Category: Rahmenprogramm-2017
2017 Master Classes
← back to accompanying programme 2017 Master Classes 2017 For the first time, we would like to offer you so-called ‘Master Classes’ for our tenth festival edition. In this format, […]
Panel discussion „Cinema and Censorship”
← back to accompanying programme 2017 Panel “Cinema and Censorship” Art has always been political, holding a mirror to society and to those in power, questioning dogma and requiring authenticity. […]
NIHRFF 10 Abschlusskonzert mit den Kasai Allstars
Die Kasai Allstars kommen im Rahmen ihrer around Félicité -Tour zu uns nach Nürnberg! Am 4.10.2017 um 20 Uhr in der Tafelhalle im KunstKulturQuartier