Supporting Membership & Donations

The festival is supported by our non-profit association Internationale Filmtage der Menschenrechte e.V. A small group of members is significantly involved in the organisation of the festival.

With a supporting membership or a single donation, you help to financially support the diverse work of the film festival and to ensure the independence, quality and continuity of the festival’s work.

You are also making a strong case for committed film art and setting an example for human rights.

Supporting Membership

As a supporting member of the International Film Festival of Human Rights e.V. you will enjoy the following benefits:

If your are interested in becoming a member, please contact the festival director Andrea Kuhn (phone: +49 (911) 231-8329; e-mail: andrea.kuhn[at]


For Donations please use to the following bank account:
GLS Bank
IBAN: DE81 4306 0967 8205 8424 00
You will receive a donation receipt.