Words of Bandits
Paroles de bandits
DIRECTED BY: Jean Boiron Lajous COUNTRY: France YEAR: 2019 SPOKEN LANGUAGE(S): Arabic, English, French, Tigrinya SUBTITLES: English, German RUNNING TIME: 90 min
SECTION: International Forum 2021, Open Eyes 2021
Without solidarity, hope would long since have died. The borders in the Italian-French Roya valley have been closed since 2015. Countless refugees try in vain to leave the Italian town of Ventimiglia for France and are sent back again and again. But the liberal inhabitants of this stubborn region refuse to settle for this. Together they oppose the law, shelter young migrants, provide them with bread behind the backs of the police – plainly doing everything to give these people a future. So in the foggy gorges far from the great European metropolises there is a community that stands together and just wants to help, resists – out of love of their homeland, out of human kindness, out of the shared belief in a world where we can live together peacefully and which is worth fighting for. WORDS OF BANDITS shows an oasis of hope. A film about arriving, progressing and approaching each other. (Julia Weigl, DOK Leipzig)
Jean Boiron-Lajous studied film at the University of Lille 3 and at the University of Aix-Marseille. In 2012 he directed LA MÉMOIRE ET LA MER, a documentary film produced by the University of Aix-Marseille with the participation of INA (FID Marseille 2013 selection). In 2015 he directed TERRA DI NESSUNO, a documentary produced by Prima Luce that won awards at FID Marseille and many international festivals. He continued his collaboration with Prima Luce and in 2018 directed PLUS T’APPUIES MOINS J’AI MAL, a short film and WORDS OF BANDITS (PAROLES DE BANDITS), another documentary.
La mémoire et la mer (2012), Terra di nessuno (2015), The harder you hit the less it hurts (2018), Words of Bandits (2019)
SCRIPT: Jean Boiron Lajous PRODUCER: Loïc Legrand CINEMATOGRAPHY: Jean Boiron Lajous EDITOR: Myriam Aycaguer, Jean Boiron Lajous
PRODUCTION COMPANY: Prima Luce (info@primaluce.fr) WORLD SALES: Prima Luce (info@primaluce.fr)