Depth of Field


DIRECTOR: Mareike Bernien, Alex Gerbaulet  COUNTRY: Germany   YEAR: 2017   LANGUAGE(S): German RUNNING TIME : 14 min

SECTION: Weekender 2018, short film programme #kein Schlussstrich


Depth of Field reads in the markings of the places in Nuremberg where the so-called National Socialist Underground (NSU) carried out three murders between 2000 and 2005. As a formal element, the bottomlessness of the offences repeatedly throws the horizontal axis of the image off balance. In this way, levels of reality are explored, irritated and shifted, tracing the shocks caused by the NSU’s seemingly unscandalisable attacks on the reality of (post-)migrant society.

Mareike Bernien & Alex GERBAULET

Mareike Bernien and Alex Gerbaulet live and work as artists and filmmakers in Berlin. What their working methods have in common is that they often start from objects or places and are interested in the socio-political formations and conflicts they harbour. This can lead to a bio-fictional examination of the history of a German industrial city, as in the cine-poem ‘Schicht’ (2015) by Alex Gerbaulet, or to a media archaeological investigation of Agfa’s colour film material under National Socialism, as in ‘Rainbow’s Gravity’ (2014) by Mareike Bernien and Kerstin Schroedinger. Various joint projects have been created since 2015, such as the short film ‘Tiefenschärfe’ (2017) and the film and web project ‘Spots’ (2017). They have also been part of the production platform pong film in Berlin for several years.


MAREIKE BERNIEN Tiefenschärfe (2017), Rainbow’s Gravity (2014), Red She Said (2011)

ALEX GERBAUELT Tiefenschärfe (2017), Schicht (2015), Über Land (2002), Margit (2002), Doris und Margit (2001)

SCRIPT: Alex Gerbaulet & Mareike Bernien   PRODUCERS: Alex Gerbaulet & Mareike Bernien  CAMERA: Jenny Lou Ziegel EDITORS: Alex Gerbaulet & Mareike Bernien  

PRODUCTION: pong film GERMAN DISTRIBUTOR: pong film