Boulevard’s End

DIRECTOR: Nora Fingscheidt   COUNTRY: Germany  YEAR: 2014   LANGUAGE(S): English   SUBTITLES: English, German  RUNNING TIME: 15 min  

SECTION: International Forum 2015


At the end of Washington Boulevard, where Los Angeles’ streets merge into the ocean, the Venice Pier begins. The rough concrete pier braves Pacific storms and provides stillness and stability to its visitors. Here, we meet two immigrants who take us on their journey through history.

Even though we see different beaches, fishermen, tourists and locals strolling, we can never be sure whose story corresponds to what image. BOULEVARD’S END visualizes memory and forgetting using an unusual, artistic approach.

Nora Fingscheidt was born in 1983 and grew up in Germany and Argentina. She was one of the mamging directors of filmArche e.V. film school and managed youth film projects in over 20 European countries. In addition, she graduated as an acting coach. Since 2008 she has been studying Directing at the Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg. Her short film Synkope was nominated for the German Short Film Award in 2011.

Auszeit (2007), Dorfmatratze (2008), Schalldicht (2009), Synkope (2010), Zwischen den Zeilen (2011), Brüderlein (2013), Das Haus neben den Gleisen (2014), Boulevard’s End (2014)

SCRIPT: Nora Fingscheidt   PRODUCER: Sarah Schmidt   CAMERA: Philip Leutert   EDITOR: Stephan Bechinger  

PRODUCTION: Holyschmidfilms  GERMAN DISTRIBUTOR: Aug&Ohr Medien