Dead Donkey Fear No Hyenas
Dead Donkey Fear No Hyenas
DIRECTED BY: Joakim Demmer COUNTRIES: Sweden, Germany YEAR: 2016 LANGUAGES: German, English, AmharicSUBTITLES:German RUNTIME: 82 min RATED:PG RECOMMENDED:9th grade +
SECTION: Open Eyes 2022
DEAD DONKEYS FEAR NO HYENAS explores the effects and mechanisms of land grabbing in Ethiopia. The government is leasing millions of hectares of land, the “green gold”, to foreign investors who need arable land for the global food market in the hope of export revenue and progress. However, this not only has devastating consequences for the environment, but also for the population: millions of small farmers are losing their livelihoods due to forced relocation. Hunger and poverty are on the rise. The government uses authoritarian methods to suppress critical voices. Development aid from institutions such as the World Bank also contributes to this situation. In his six-year research, director Joakim Demmer talks to people on the ground, journalists, activists, but also investors, government officials and representatives of the World Bank.
“An outrageous real-life thriller that takes us from the seemingly remote corners of Ethiopia via the global financial capitals straight to our dinner table.” Neue Visionen Film Distribution
#Agrobusiness #Globalisation #Development Aid
EDUCATIONAL MATERIAL: https://www.kinofenster.de/filme/neuimkino/das-gruene-gold-nik/
PRODUCER:Fredrik Gertten, Margarete Jangård CINEMATOGRAPHY:Ute Freund, Zeb Davidson, Mark BarrsEDITOR:Frank Brummundt, Stefan Sundlöf MUSIC: Matthias Trippner
PRODUCTION: WG Film GERMAN DISTRIBUTOR: Neue Visionen (info@neuevisionen.de)