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ORCHID Queer Karaoke Night – Festival Party!

Fri., 4.10., from 9 pm, Kantine

Admission free (donation welcome, we will put a small box at the bar)

DIY Karaoke for the LGBTI*-Cuties and friends!
Moderation: Frau von Landadel
Host and DJ: eve massacre

ORCHID Queer Karaoke Night is back! After the unbelievably fabulous and enjoyable singing attacks last time, we simply have to invite you to the stage again. There wasn’t enough time at the back to fit everyone in.

You can sign up for songs from 9pm, and as soon as the first five people are in, we’ll really get going! So: drag up, get dressed up, practise your big gestures! Wigs and pathos, glitter and spandex, go full diva – all gadgets are allowed! No matter how weird, no matter how clumsy, we are a loving, enthusiastic audience for each other, so take heart!

A tip: That evening at 7pm, before the karaoke in the canteen, the great Bini Adamczak will be giving a talk on her book ‘Beziehungsweise Revolution – 1918, 1968 und kommende’! In the series ‘Feminism or Barbarism 2’ by Das Schweigen durchbrechen.

For all you fags & dykes & & trans-lovelies & friends & queens & riot people & bears & brothers & lovers & sisters & misters & queers & dears & discoteers & gays & drrty butchez & girls who love boys who look like girls & bambisexuals & androgynous art fags & breeders & camp vamps & cross breeders & trans bees & kittens & dancing queens & anti-barbies & fagetarians & genderpunks & divas & ghosts & moustache dykes & gorillaz & post-30-anythings & hairy fairies & homotrash & leathermen & lipstick lezzies & nancy boys & hotter otters & ugly huggies & part-time zombies & superwomen & not-so-super-women & age-resistant-scenesters & post-rainbow gays & pre-op unicorns & queen bees & snoop doggy dykes & funky hunks & vagitarians, ach – eigentlich für alle, die der heteronormativen Partyroutine und Genderklischees entgehen wollen, BUT PLZ: No hools, no fools!