International Competition 2021

DE 2021, 127 min, language(s): German, English, Russian, subtitles: German, English, directed by: Julian Radlmaier

Elsewhere, Everywhere
Ailleurs, partout
BE 2020, 63 min, language(s): English, Farsi, French, Persian, subtitels: German, English, directed by: Isabelle Ingold, Vivianne Perelmuter

Landscapes of Resistance
Pejzaži otpora
RS, DE, FR 2021, 95 min, language(s): Serbo-Croatian, subtitles: German, English, directed by: Marta Popivoda

Mr. Bachmann And His Class
Herr Bachmann und seine Klasse
DE 2021, 217 min, language(s): Bulgarian, German, Turkish, subtitles: english, directed by: Maria Speth

IN 2021, 74 min, language(s): Tamil, subtitles: German, English, directed by: Vinothraj P.S.

This is not a Burial, It’s a Resurrection
This is not a Burial, It’s a Resurrection
LS, IT, ZA 2019, 120 min, language(s): Sesotho, subtitles: German, English, directed by: Lemohang Jeremiah Mosese

FR 2020, 115 min, language(s): French, subtitles: German, English, directed by: Alice Diop

The Year of the Discovery
El Año del descubrimiento
ES, CH 2020, 200 min, language(s): Spanish, subtitles: German, English, directed by: Luis López Carrasco