Gaming the Real World
SECTION: Open Eyes 2017
Can a game like Minecraft change the world? With cities everywhere struggling to cope with the population growth that increased urbanisation brings, can video games be harnessed to help the residents, especially young people, take part in planning, and fixing their own cities? This film shows that the gap between reality and simulation is closing rapidly and that games can have a very positive effect. We follow three gaming companies navigating the space where urban planning and gaming meet: Mojang (the creators of Minecraft), Paradox Interactive and their game Cities: Skylines and indie game newcomer,Block’hood. With strategic alliances with groups such as UN Habitat, and successful proving grounds in locations such as Nepal, Nairobi, Katmandu, the film reveals the real-world social change that game-oriented city planning brings. How will our cities look in 20-100 years time?
Gaming the Real World is the first feature-length documentary of Swedish director Anders Eklund.
Gaming the Real World (2016)