Everyday I’m Çapuling

DIRECTOR: Martina Priessner   COUNTRIES Türkiye, Germany   YEAR: 2013   LANGUAGE(S): Turkish   SUBTITLES: German   RUNNING TIME: 60 min  

SECTION: International Forum 2015


The summer of 2013 saw the biggest political protests in Turkey’s recent history. Events were triggered by the imminent conversion of the small Gezi park into a shopping mall, but the roots of the uprising lay deeper. In no time the protests grew into nationwide resistance against the AKP government who, in the past ten years, has established a corrupt, neo-liberal economy with an authoritarian state model. With humour, solidarity, and spontaneity a generation that had hitherto been little interested in politics reclaimed public space.

This film looks back at the events of summer 2013. Director Martina Priessner uses found footage which had been uploaded by numerous activists unto the internet. The film shows the diversity of the protest movement, its fissures and contradictions.


The documentary filmmaker Martina Priessner lives in Berlin and Istanbul, and worked for many years for the German-Turkish migration. In 2010 she presented her first feature-length documentary Based Down South, which was nominated for the Grimme Award. 2013 she realized the found-footage film Everyday I’m Çapuling about the Gezi Park protests in Istanbul. From 2008 to 2010 she worked at the Ballhaus Naunynstraße in Berlin as a dramaturge and curator. During this time, she curated the theater course “Kahvehane – Turkish Delight, German Fright”.

Rasur (2006), Die sechs Tage von Adem und Eva (2008), Wir sitzen im Süden (2010), Everyday I’m Çapuling (2013)

SCRIPT: Martina Priessner   PRODUCERS: Amin Farzanefar, Lale Konuk  EDITOR: Martina Priessner  

PRODUCTION: (Amin Farzanefar/Lale Konuk)